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Dear Mission Partners,

This coming September, Faith of a Child Ministries (formerly Dream Big Honduras Medical Missions) will be sending another medical/healthcare team to serve and evangelize the disadvantaged in Honduras. As in the past, we are asking your help in funding this extensive outreach to approximately 400 families (1600 individuals).

Although health care is the project, it is only a tool that is used in order that we may share the love and Gospel Message of the LORD JESUS CHRIST to the lost in Honduras.

We travel out to impoverished village(s) where we set-up for five clinic days and invite the locals to our clinics where they are served at no cost.

All persons coming to our clinics attend an adult, teen, or children's worship service where a clear Gospel Message is preached in their native language, and each family receives a Spanish Bible.

We then take a photograph for each family (for some the first they have ever had) and give them a small package of personal hygiene products and food staples.

After that, the family proceeds through triage where their health needs are assessed. Based on that assessment, they then receive the following:

Medical care from physicians and nurses

Dental care

Eyeglasses(reading and/or prescription)


Hearing aids



Every family will again hear the Gospel message, as they are seen at each clinic station. Only through the grace of GOD is it possible for us to be able to do this at a cost of only $44 for a family of four. We ask that you prayerfully consider sponsoring a family – perhaps it will even be a family waiting to hear the WORD of GOD for the first time.

If you choose to do so, please send your check to the address below made out to "Faith of a Child Ministries". Indicate "Medical Team" on the memo line. 100% of all donations go to benefit those being served.

Thanking you in advance for your service to the Kingdom,

Faith of a Child Ministries Team

P.O. Box 785

New Harmony, IN 47631

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